The Role of Emotions in Plasma Technology
This is summarized in the 167th KSW:
163.015920 K: Try to understand the interaction of the Fields. Try to understand the pleasure, and understand the limitation of the physicality on this planet. Then, you can dictate the emotion.
154.004657 K: the fear of the unknown has restricted man to the physicality of the body and all the conditions we have seen.
154.003114 K: Understand the fear of the man and the truth about himself.
162.021200 K: The fear is a condition that we do not understand where the physicality will show itself. The fear is: ...the condition, of how do we allow ourselves to exist, without the dividing? The fear is in a way, restriction we put, that we do not want to give anymore. The fear is: The strength that puts limitation. The fear is: How we can disturb the conditions? The fear is: How we can survive the condition? The fear is: How much can we give, without being taken? The fear is: How much can be given without giving of totality?
When we are not stealing anymore but getting truthful and transparent then we understand that a man who is giving is receiving goodness. Being on that path of giving we understand that we automatically are given more. We control the magnetical gravitational field, we trust in ourselves.
162.003700 K: At the point when I see my soul and the energy it holds can become part of another to give it life, to exist longer or to become part of another that it can serve more.
161.20902 K: The soul of the man is much stronger and the emotion of the man is a level down because it changes and it reduces to become the emotion. And then the emotion that reduces in terms of the physicality. In a way if you look at it you can have the spectrum of the same thing. But, if the gap is big enough you can have the soul, the emotion and the physicality within the structure of one element.
The understanding of the emotion will lead to the physical manifestation of his presence
162.003912 K: So let’s go back into the emotion and find out how we can at least use our emotion to change our physicality. ..Can we do that or do we need to fine-tune slightly the fields, which are coming from the soul? Let’s say by offering it at the level of the emotion we have the tangibility of the existence and then we can interact so that we do not need the fragile world of existence of the body of the man. How much can we teach is not the problem. How much the man allows himself to accept the new according to the level of his own intelligence and to the level of his understanding about the world of creation.
162.004332 K: It is you who has to find the wormhole into the life of your emotion and through the understanding of its strength to find the wormhole and the passage in so many small ways into your soul and then you can open the motorways of it. It takes time. It comes out of total belief in one’s emotion, total belief that what you do is correct, total belief in what you do is said to be for the betterment of the others, and not you. This is the key. Not going out and giving physically that you buy a key to the path to the next world, but understanding how through the strength of your emotion you can open the key to your soul and you can find the access to your soul. You can find a way to bring the fields in the level of the strength of the soul, the emotion and the physicality more or less to a point that by changing by one slightly, the other one changes.
162.004459 K: This is the key; this is the hidden key in the whole structure of the existence of the man. If the change is too much on the soul side, the physicality needs to change too much. You cannot change the liver and put it on the head and you cannot put your kidneys on your toes. But you can adjust it so that everything shrinks to the point that it can work and deliver and manifest itself, but the emotion can accept that the physicality exists and the soul can accept the changes both in the environment and the emotion and its own existence of the physicality at the point of the manifestation.